The LGA Poster Competition!

Every project supported by the LGA Foundation receives a poster for them to display. We encourage you to use your poster as a prop and take a photograph highlighting our support! Once a month, we take great pleasure in choosing what we feel is the best photograph submitted. We love to see your wonderful pictures!

The monthly winner receives an additional £50 of funding for their project. When taking your photo, make sure you have your LGA Foundation poster in the forefront – Don’t be afraid to get creative!

The Trustees are incredibly proud to be able to support such wonderful causes and delight in seeing how such projects progress. It is our hope that by running a monthly poster competition, additional projects will be encouraged to come forward for support. Help us to spread the word and help us, help them!

Please submit your photograph by the 1st of the month to

We will contact the lucky winners directly.

Complete your submission

FoodCycle Dec-24 Entry

Patchwork Nov-24 Entry

Submit your photo

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