The LGA Foundation 12 Days of Christmas Campaign 2023: Patchwork Project



On the third day of Christmas my good friends brought to me…🎁


As part of The LGA Foundation 2023 Christmas Campaign 🎁  Patchwork Project  took a large group of their young people iceskating! The young people had a blast at their Christmas party! Patchwork are also hosting a ‘Christmas Drop In’, which will be a fabulous  Christmas celebration for the local young people in the community!



Patchwork Project works to help and educate young people between the ages of 5 and 25 years old in the West End of Newcastle and the surrounding area; including those who are involved in the criminal justice system or are at risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system. They work hard to develop their physical, mental and spiritual capacities, so that they might grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society.


For more information on Patchwork Project;



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