The LGA Foundation 12 Days of Christmas Campaign 2023: North Benwell Youth Project


On the eleventh day of Christmas my good friends brought to me…🎁


As part of The LGA Foundation Christmas Campaign 🎁  North Benwell Youth Project have used their festive funding to put together much needed food parcels for the community. The parcels are filled to the brim with food to help ease the cost of living crisis, particularly during this period. Our funding has helped the young people of North Benwell to fulfil their desire to support their community. YPC has used half of their funding on the parcel and the other half, they have made art packs for children and young people. The packs include pencils, paints, brushes and sketch pads. These art packs will help young people to be creative over the holidays, particularly when the weather can be cold and wet.



North Benwell Youth Project aims to help young people up to the age of 25 living in North Benwell, focusing on leisure time activities to help to develop young people’s capabilities so that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society. They are young person led and provide a compassionate, safe and supportive space for young people in the community. The project offers engagement work, group work, one-on-one sessions and drop in sessions in order to aid the exploration of relationship issues, practice life skills and help to build confidence.

North Benwell Youth Project also runs holiday programmes, giving opportunities for young people to gain confidence and participate in something new and rich in learning through more adventurous activities and residential trips.


For more information on North Benwell Youth Project;



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