The LGA Foundation 12 Days of Christmas Campaign 2023: Denton Youth and Community Project



On the fourth day of Christmas my good friends brought to me…🎁


As part of The LGA Foundation Christmas Campaign 🎁  Denton Youth and Community Project have decided to use their funding to purchase Morrisons gift vouchers to give as gifts to their community members. The vouchers will be used to purchase much needed suppliers to help celebrate the Christmas such as food, household supplies, warm clothing and gifts. LGA has also purchased hoodies, for the up coming ski trip for their young people. An image below shows last years ski trip, they all look like they are having a fabulous time!



Denton Youth and Community Project (DYCP), (formerly Denton Young People’s Project), was established in October 2000. Early services included Parent and Toddler sessions, a weekly Lunch Club, Dance and Fitness sessions and predominantly outreach and detached youth sessions.

Denton Youth and Community Project aims to:

🎁 To inspire and support children, young people and their families to achieve their full potential. The project seeks to empower participants to raise their self-esteem, confidence and aspirations so that in turn they enhance their life experience, contributing to them being full and active citizens

 🎁 To act as positive role models for children and young people.

 🎁 To support children and young people through those challenging and turbulent transitional years by offering access to fun, challenging and educational experiences.

 🎁 To contribute to the reduction of instances of loneliness and isolation, particularly for our most elderly members.

 🎁 To improve the physical and mental well-being of all our members.

 🎁 To create a greater sense of community and a responsibility and place for everyone in that community.

For more information on Denton Youth and Community Project;





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