Smart Works Newcastle

Smart Works Newcastle, supports North East women into employment through interview clothing and coaching. A two hour appointment at Smart Works Newcastle can give women the confidence, the self-belief and the practical tools they require to succeed at interview and start a new chapter of their life. Their service can be accessed by anyone who identifies as female, is unemployed, aged 16 plus and is based in the North East.

Pictured is Dona, who underwent the Smart Works experience and successfully gained employment as a Health Improvement Practitioner. Dona was given the opportunity to try on a range of clothing before settling on the pictured outfit. Moreover, she was guided through the interview process by one of Smart Works Newcastle’s volunteer coaches. Dona said of her experience:

“My experience was amazing. Smart Works Newcastle boosted my confidence to a much higher level. I am very pleased and happy. I would recommend this to my other friends. You all are awesome!!!”

The impact that Smart Works Newcastle has on their clients and their family cannot be overestimated. By helping women into work, they are boosting their confidence, helping them to become a role model to their children, bring income into their local economy, and be active members of their community. The centre is run by a close-knit staff team who are supported by over 40 dedicated volunteers and trustees.

Smart Works Newcastle works in partnership with almost 300 referral agencies throughout the North East – including Job Centre Plus, mental health charities and employability schemes. 56% of the women they see have been unemployed for 12+ months, 45% are single parents, 14% have a disability.


“For the past two years LGA Foundation’s generous grant has enabled us to support 730 women with interview clothing and coaching, with 72% getting the job. We are so grateful for the funding which will enable us to support a further 1,000 women in the year ahead across the North East.”

Centre Manager,  Helen Boyd

Helen has kindly shared a video with us, which provides a fantastic insight into Smart Works Newcastle and the fabulous women that they are helping. To view the video, please click here.


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